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Ngā Wānanga o Hine Kōpū is a two-day wānanga for wāhine and their whānau who are expecting a baby. Delivering antenatal knowledge grounded in matauranga Māori, and led by Koha Aperahama, the programme is reclaiming Māori practices and traditions for māmā & whānau at wānanga across Te Tai Tokerau.

“We were always brought up with an understanding that wāhine kōpu (pregnant women) had a special status within the whānau… My intention for these wānanga is to reinstate the special status of hine kōpu.”  – Koha Aperahama

Ngā Wānanga o Hine Kōpū

Paid Partnership / Short Documentary

Services: Directing & Editing 

Finalist 2022 Best Awards, Moving Image – Long Form


Produced by Hexwork Production

Partner/Client:Te Hiringa Hauora

Producer: Natalie Wilson

DOP: Raymond Edwards 

Sound: Tipene Rogers

Grade: Erin Woolhouse

Graphics: Archi Banal

Oriori nā Papa Hohepa Delamare

Featuring: Koha Aperahama, Mereana Pou, Deina Payne, Raewyn Smith, Sarah Riley, Tessa Davis Hall, Moe Milne, Margaret Hinemoa-Hall, Dr Alayne Mikahere-Hall, Kohinerauwharangi Toko, Tiana Hall, Kahurangi Coddington

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